Who we are

PLUS – LGBT+ HIV positive People

Plus LGBT+ HIV positive People The association pursues the aim of social solidarity in the fight against HIV/AIDS, working in the bio-psycho-social field, in information, training, education, assistance, in the reduction of all types of discrimination in relation to HIV. This is the challenge that Plus has decided to take up through its constitution. It was created with the intention of ensuring that LGBT people with HIV have the possibility of being protected both as LGBT people and as people with HIV, in a context where training and scientific information is promoted and carried out in an equal climate, by professionals, operators and volunteers who share the same social and experiential background as the users.

Smk Factory

SMK Factory is an independent Italian production house born in 2009 around the documentary film project “Tomorrow’s Land”.
Starting from the experience of self-production gained in the first film (which has received numerous national awards and appearances at international festivals such as Thessaloniki, Al Jazeera, David di Donatello), SMK has carried out a documentary production linked to social issues, human and environmental rights, becoming a point of reference in the world of cinema crowdfunding and independent cultural production.
In 2015 he launched the independent distribution portal Open DDB, an online platform inspired by the open-source philosophy dedicated to the on-demand distribution of films and books, the creation of an independent circuit for independent documentaries, the creation of a network between authors emerging and / or independent.
SMK strongly believes in the importance of the audience involvement for the success of its films, mostly made thanks to careful self-production strategies through crowdfunding and fundraising which have allowed over the years the creation of an autonomous and independent circuit for distribution.
SMK Factory produce different movies with crowdfunding campains after “Tomorrow’s Land”: “Kosovo vs Kosovo” (2012), “Una follia effimera” (2012), “Green Lies” (2014), “Vite al Centro” (2014), “Quale Petrolio?” (2016), “The Harvest” (2017). “The Milky Way” (2020).

Cecilia Fasciani

Cecilia Fasciani (1995) is an Italian documentary filmmaker. Graduated in History and Global Cultures, she attended schools of documentary filmmaking, photography and writing at the London Film Academy and Bottega Finzioni.
Part of SMK Factory, an independent production company with which she has been collaborating since she finished her studies, SMK is the creator of the independent distribution portal OpenDDB, a multilingual digital platform inspired by the open source philosophy that promotes documentary cinema and independent culture through VOD and non-theatrical circuiting, collaborating with cultural associations and independent cinemas.
Depending on the projects she is involved in directing, writing, and camera operator (“Io prometto“, “Il cammino più lungo“). The films in which she has participated have been selected for numerous awards at national and international festivals.